
So… – inspired by this little video:

Schrader on screenwriting (1 minute)

…Here is, a

Table of 100 Narrative Metaphors, for 100 Personal Problems !


`Table of 100 Personal Problems & related Metaphors – & Example Films on the same Theme/Topic’)

[& see scroll-bar at bottom of Table, if the rightmost Table-column is currently only partly-visible]

#Random Personal Problem Possible Cinematic/Narrative Metaphor for this Problem `Metaphorical’ Occupation Example Movie
1 Self-image Mirror Reflections Photographer “Black Swan” (2010)
2 Can’t tell parents I’m gay Hidden Letters Novelist “Brokeback Mountain” (2005)
3 Minority anger Rising Storm Activist “Do the Right Thing” (1989)
4 Anxiety and panic attacks Racing Heartbeats Athlete “Silver Linings Playbook” (2012)
5 Struggling with body image and eating disorders Distorted Reflections Fashion Model “To the Bone” (2017)
6 Lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem Broken Wings Musician “Whiplash” (2014)
7 Difficulty in maintaining healthy relationships Fading Footprints Travel Guide “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004)
8 Substance abuse or addiction issues Drowning Waves Fisherman “Requiem for a Dream” (2000)
9 Unresolved trauma or past experiences affecting daily life Echoing Memories Archivist “Memento” (2000)
10 Career or job dissatisfaction Lost Compass Explorer “Office Space” (1999)
11 Financial stress and debt management Tangled Strings Musician “The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006)
12 Grief and loss after the death of a loved one Fading Shadows Funeral Director “Manchester by the Sea” (2016)
13 Difficulty in setting and achieving personal goals Elusive Horizons Mountaineer “127 Hours” (2010)
14 Loneliness and social isolation Empty Rooms Hotel Custodian “Lost in Translation” (2003)
15 Procrastination and time management issues Ticking Clocks Watchmaker “Dead Poets Society” (1989)
16 Perfectionism and fear of failure Shattered Mirrors Glassblower “Black Swan” (2010)
17 Trust issues and fear of intimacy Locked Gates Locksmith “Eyes Wide Shut” (1999)
18 Cultural or identity conflicts Crossroads Travel Guide “The Namesake” (2006)
19 Balancing personal life with professional responsibilities Juggling Act Circus Performer “The Greatest Showman” (2017)
20 Unhealthy coping mechanisms (e.g. self-harm excessive alcohol consumption) Poisoned Well “Leaving Las Vegas” (1995)
21 Fear of public speaking Silent Stage Mime Artist “The King’s Speech” (2010)
22 Parenting challenges Broken Cradle Childcare Provider “Kramer vs. Kramer” (1979)
23 Relationship conflicts Colliding Worlds Mediator “Blue Valentine” (2010)
24 Feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities Sinking Sands Lifeguard “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” (2013)
25 Imposter syndrome Masked Identity Actor “Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)” (2014)
26 Insecurity about intelligence or abilities Fractured Reflections Sculptor “Good Will Hunting” (1997)
27 Fear of rejection or abandonment Fading Footsteps Pet Tracker “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004)
28 Chronic illness or health issues Shadowed Health Herbalist “The Fault in Our Stars” (2014)
29 Aging and mortality concerns Ticking Clocks Clockmaker “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (2008)
30 Feeling stuck or lacking direction in life Endless Maze Maze Designer “The Maze Runner” (2014)
31 Jealousy or envy Green-Eyed Monster Gardener “The Great Gatsby” (2013)
32 Boundary-setting difficulties Blurred Lines Surveyor “No Country for Old Men” (2007)
33 Emotional or psychological abuse Broken Chains Blacksmith “Sleeping with the Enemy” (1991)
34 Work-life imbalance Scales of Time Librarian “Up in the Air” (2009)
35 Cultural assimilation challenges Melting Pot Chef “The Hundred-Foot Journey” (2014)
36 Fear of change or uncertainty Closed Doors Locksmith “The Truman Show” (1998)
37 Trusting others after betrayal Mended Hearts Cardiologist “Gone Girl” (2014)
38 Feeling disconnected from one’s cultural or ethnic community Fading Traditions Historian “Coco” (2017)
39 Fear of failure in academic or professional pursuits Slippery Slope Skier “The Social Network” (2010)
40 Perceived discrimination or bias Cracked Mirror Glassmaker “Hidden Figures” (2016)
41 Postpartum depression Shrouded Sunshine Midwife “Tully” (2018)
42 Social anxiety Invisible Spotlight Stagehand “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” (2012)
43 Fear of flying or travel-related anxiety Grounded Wings Air Traffic Controller “Flight” (2012)
44 Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Compulsive Patterns Seamstress “As Good as It Gets” (1997)
45 Sleep disorders or insomnia Restless Nights Hotel Night Auditor “Insomnia” (2002)
46 Dealing with a difficult or toxic family member Tangled Roots Arborist “August: Osage County” (2013)
47 Adjusting to a new culture or environment Foreign Soil Anthropologist “Lost in Translation” (2003)
48 Recovering from a breakup or divorce Broken Vows Marriage Counselor “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004)
49 Chronic pain management Lingering Shadows Massage Therapist “The Sessions” (2012)
50 Feeling isolated as a caregiver Silent Burden Librarian “Still Alice” (2014)
51 Fear of public judgment or criticism Watchful Eyes Security Guard “Nightcrawler” (2014)
52 Sexual dysfunction or intimacy issues Locked Desires Sex Therapist “Shame” (2011)
53 Resentment or unresolved conflicts in friendships Crumbling Bridges Bridge Engineer “The Bridges of Madison County” (1995)
54 Survivor’s guilt Haunted Memories Ghost Tour Guide “The Sixth Sense” (1999)
55 Balancing academic pressures and extracurricular activities Juggling Books School Librarian “The Spectacular Now” (2013)
56 Identity crisis or questioning one’s purpose Shattered Reflections Glassblower “American Beauty” (1999)
57 Coping with a natural disaster or traumatic event Broken Landscapes Landscape Architect “The Impossible” (2012)
58 Fear of commitment or long-term relationships Untied Knots Wedding Planner “The Wedding Planner” (2001)
59 Coping with infertility or difficulties conceiving Empty Cradle Fertility Specialist “Juno” (2007)
60 Feeling inadequate compared to others Shadowed Comparisons Lighting Designer “Whiplash” (2014)
61 Fear of failure in romantic relationships Shattered Hearts Cardiologist “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (2004)
62 Trust issues with authority figures Tarnished Badges Private Investigator “Chinatown” (1974)
63 Emotional eating or food addiction Consumed Temptations Chef “Chef” (2014)
64 Impatience and difficulty with delayed gratification Ticking Clocks Clockmaker “Groundhog Day” (1993)
65 Fear of driving or car accidents Roadblock Fears Traffic Engineer “Crash” (2004)
66 Social exclusion or feeling like an outsider Lonely Spectator Theater Usher “Her” (2013)
67 Resolving childhood issues or trauma Broken Innocence Child Therapist “Room” (2015)
68 Feeling unfulfilled or lacking purpose in work Fading Passion Artist “La La Land” (2016)
69 Dealing with a toxic or abusive workplace Poisoned Environment Environmental Scientist “Erin Brockovich” (2000)
70 Balancing personal and educational demands Juggling Priorities School Principal “Dead Poets Society” (1989)
71 Fear of being vulnerable or emotionally open Shielded Hearts Blacksmith “Silver Linings Playbook” (2012)
72 Managing anger and impulsivity Burning Flames Firefighter “Anger Management” (2003)
73 Coping with the loss of a pet Silent Pawprints Veterinarian “Marley & Me” (2008)
74 Feeling trapped in a toxic friendship Suffocating Bonds Relationship Counselor “The Break-Up” (2006)
75 Resolving conflicts within a blended family Mixing Shadows Painter “Stepmom” (1998)
76 Fear of aging or getting older Fading Reflections Photographer “Boyhood” (2014)
77 Navigating the challenges of long-distance relationships Distant Connections Telecommunications Specialist “Like Crazy” (2011)
78 Overcoming self-sabotaging behaviors Breaking Chains Locksmith “Inside Out” (2015)
79 Rebuilding trust after infidelity Mending Hearts Surgeon “Closer” (2004)
80 Fear of failure in creative pursuits Dying Dreams Music Composer “La La Land” (2016)
81 Managing expectations and perfectionism in parenting Balancing Acts Circus Performer “The Greatest Showman” (2017)
82 Resolving sibling rivalries and conflicts Fractured Bonds Family Therapist “The Royal Tenenbaums” (2001)
83 Overcoming a fear of commitment Unlocked Hearts Wedding Planner “The Five-Year Engagement” (2012)
84 Coping with workplace bullying or harassment Toxic Shadows Occupational Health and Safety Officer “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006)
85 Feeling misunderstood or not heard in relationships Silent Echoes Sign Language Interpreter “The Shape of Water” (2017)
86 Financial dependence or struggles Broken Chains Accountant “The Big Short” (2015)
87 Fear of missing out (FOMO) and social comparison Fading Vibrancy Art Restorer “The Great Gatsby” (2013)
88 Resolving conflicts between personal values and societal expectations Torn Allegiances Mediator “A Few Good Men” (1992)
89 Overcoming a fear of rejection in dating Opening Doors Matchmaker “Hitch” (2005)
90 Coping with the emotional impact of chronic illness Weighed Burdens Dietitian “50/50” (2011)
91 Navigating religious or spiritual conflicts Sacred Crossroads Religious Counselor “The Apostle” (1997)
92 Balancing personal interests and family obligations Tangled Commitments Event Planner “The Family Stone” (2005)
93 Fear of being alone or abandonment Empty Echoes Radio Host “Cast Away” (2000)
94 Overcoming a fear of public transportation Uncharted Routes Bus Driver “Speed” (1994)
95 Coping with the loss of a friendship Broken Ties Weaver “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” (2005)
96 Managing stress and burnout in the workplace Burning Candles Candlemaker “Burn After Reading” (2008)
97 Feeling out of place in one’s own community Disconnected Roots Genealogist “Gran Torino” (2008)
98 Overcoming a fear of heights or acrophobia Soaring Heights Pilot “Top Gun” (1986)
99 Coping with the challenges of a long-distance friendship Distant Echoes Sound Engineer “You’ve Got Mail” (1998)
100 Fear of failure in starting a new venture or business Shattered Beginnings Entrepreneur “The Social Network” (2010)

Table 1. 100 Random Personal Problems, and related Metaphors (& Example Films on the the same Theme) 

…See also, a Lit Review of Screenwriting Manuals

…By the way – films/movies, as units of culture, are (scientifically speaking), structured & function as

 fractal HOLON/partons.

…So are: Stories / Narratives in general (…in any communication medium):

And, all units of culture, actually…!


For example:


(See the textbook Elements of Ev Cult (2023, 2nd ed) for more details.)


…And – so… 

Enjoy: the new meta-meta-science, of – Ev Cult ! 


(…And, you’re welcome.)

~Thus Spake The EthiSizer.


This has been a blogpost by:


Dr J. T. Velikovsky Ph.D. (aka: Velikovsky of Newcastle) is an Evolutionary Culturologist, and also Transmedia (movies / TV / games / new media) writer-director-producer-designer and consultant.

His 2016 (Evolutionary Culturology) doctoral dissertation is also known as The StoryAlity Ph.D.[1] In the Appendix of that 2016 Ph.D., he published on his discovery of the fractal HOLON/parton structure & function of the unit of culture (aka the `meme’), founding the Meta-meta-science of Evolutionary Culturology.[2]

He is a PhD graduate of The Newcastle School of Creativity[3] and a member of the Cultural Evolution Society, the Cognitive Immunology Research Collaborative, the International Screenwriting Research Network, and the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab.[4]

His (Ev Cult) Ph.D. weblog on movie & screenwriting creativity is: https://storyality.wordpress.com/ and his Transmedia Writing weblog is: http://on-writering.blogspot.com/ His satirical short story (PH3: Phlash PHilosoPHiction) weblog is: PH3

His Twitter is: @joeteevee His ORCID is: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6741-066X His Academia is: https://newcastle-au.academia.edu/JTVelikovsky and his Researchgate is: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jt-Velikovsky  

Velikovsky of Newcastle’s research interests include: Evolutionary Culturology, Applied Evolutionary Epistemology, ArtScience,[5] Consilience, Systems Science, Communication Science, Narrative, Transmedia, Technology, Design, Creative Practice Theory, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Informatics, Natural and Artificial Intelligence, Information Science, Computational Creativity, and Evolutionary Culturology. 

See, also –

Velikovsky’s: Recent Publications (02023)

…This post was first published on the Ev Cult weblog.

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