

Below are various surveys, that you can take, online:

Survey on The Robo-Raconteur, a StoryAlity Theory artificial-writer computer-program (2017).

(Important note: with all these surveys, please scroll up to the top of page, when the form loads, to read the Instructions for each survey.)

(1) Schools of Thought in the Arts/Humanities/Communication See: https://storyality.wordpress.com/2014/05/07/storyality-113-schools-of-thought-in-the-arts-humanities-survey/

(2) Creativity Survey: (based on Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s survey from his excellent book `Creativity’ (1996, 2006)) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEJ6NzV2MnZYNzdEOTlkYWhWMUdwSVE6MQ

(3) Identifying Significant Issues/Questions (Unsolved Domain Problems) in Screenwriting –  A Field Survey (Survey #1 – 2013)


And – this is: proposed online survey #2 (approx 30 minutes – complicated, and controversial!)

(4) Key Domain Problems in Film/Screenwriting – A Field Survey (Survey #2 – 2013)

(5) Screenwriter’s Voice (survey by Rose Ferrell) – this is part of Rose Ferrell’s academic research on Film Screenwriting.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1UACIPtvIK8J3Nx5EgmmejMVjGrrjqO0TkucJvFtZaik/viewform Email Rose at: rosieglow (at) westnet.com.au

(6) Disney Movies! (Survey by James Mason)

`Do you loathe Disney films? Do you love Disney films? Do you not give two hoots about Disney films? Do you know anyone who could answer yes to any of these questions? Then this questionnaire is for you!

As part of my PhD research into adult audiences and their relationships with Disney films (which are synonymous with children’s entertainment) I have put together an online questionnaire for anyone over the age of 18 to complete. It doesn’t matter whether respondents like, love, or loathe Disney films, all responses are welcome.’ (Mason 2016)

The Disney Films questionnaire is open until the end of July 2016 and can be accessed here: https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/disney-surve

(7) The Simulation Survey

A survey for Game Developers, about whether you believe our universe is a Simulation (e.g. as per, say, Bostrom 2003).



JT Velikovsky

High-RoI Story/Screenplay/Movie and Transmedia Researcher

Some of the above Surveys are related to, or inspired by my doctoral thesis: “Communication, Creativity and Consilience in Cinema”.  

Others are just there as: they are interesting. 

They are presented here for the benefit of fellow screenwriting, filmmaking and creativity researchers. 

For more of my own research, see https://aftrs.academia.edu/JTVelikovsky

JT Velikovsky is also a produced feature film screenwriter and million-selling transmedia writer-director-producer. He has been a professional story analyst for major film studios, film funding organizations, and for the national writer’s guild.

For more see: http://on-writering.blogspot.com/